This Chinese/English bilingual page lists out the common medical and health related terms and hopefully it helps you find the better understanding & have better communication with doctors.
Other Health Care Professionals : | 其他醫療專業人員: |
Audiologist | 聽覺學專家 |
Dental Assistant | 牙醫助理 |
Dietitian | 飲食指導員 |
Genetic Counselor | 遺傳病輔導員 |
Health Technician | 健康技員 |
Laboratory Technician | 化驗技員 |
Medical Assistant | 醫務助理 |
Medical Technologist | 醫學技師 |
Nurse | 護士 |
Home Visiting Nurse | 家訪護士 |
Nurse Midwife | 接生護士 |
Nutritionist | 營養專家 |
Pharmacist | 藥劑師 |
Pharmacologist | 藥理學專家 |
Physical Therapist | 物理治療員 |
Physician's Assistant | 醫生助手 |
Psychologist | 心理學專家 |
Psychologic Counselor | 心理輔導員 |
Respiratory Therapist | 呼吸治療員 |
X-Ray Technician | X光科技員 |